
Showing posts from 2008

My Three Most Substantial Accomplishments So Far

First, finishing my education in both my graduate and post-graduate studies and the scholarships that I was granted afterwards. Education is a very important factor in one’s growth. Life is a classroom where every individual is both a teacher and a student. Learning is a continuing process with the end objective of sharing it with others; Second, is my being able to send my two younger siblings to school when our father died in 1997. They are now both productive individuals and I am happy that I was able to contribute to their well-being; Third is finishing my stint with Senator Ramon B. Magsaysay, Jr. where I have loyally worked for 12 years. Working with a highly-principled leader has taught me a lot of more important things in life other than legislation and politics. It pushed me to strive for excellence and professionalism. The Senator taught us how to value credit-worthiness and integrity. Working for "the guy" did not give me any chance to break my ideals. It us...

Things I like best...

Music lifts my soul. Every dance is a sweet journey. Each music CD from every friend in different parts of the world is not only a material memento but a treasured gift from one culture to another. Writing completes me. It links me to the rest of world. It seals gaps between dreams and reality. It bridges. It makes me stay connected. It keeps me going. Living life to the fullest. Life is a divine gift. It is never wasted. It is ephemeral, thus, every moment counts. Nothing is nothing. Everything is important. Every memory is treasured. Every emotion is felt. Every path is towards fulfillment.


Hello, friends and friends-to-be: Welcome to my blogspot. You're free to send me any message in this blog. I look forward to meeting you either virtually or personally. The world has become smaller these days that it is really much easier now to meet new friends or get in-touch with old friends from all over the globe. My Mercy Junior College, University of San Carlos, Ateneo - ASG, Fulbright- Hubert H. Humphrey and International Visitors Program co-fellows, classmates and co-alumnae, I wish to see you again in the near future, God willing. I will be posting here some of my thoughts, write-ups and what nots. I hope that you'll be able to get some insights from them or enjoy them at the very least. God bless you all and, again, welcome! All the best, Suh