My Three Most Substantial Accomplishments So Far
First, finishing my education in both my graduate and post-graduate studies and the scholarships that I was granted afterwards. Education is a very important factor in one’s growth. Life is a classroom where every individual is both a teacher and a student. Learning is a continuing process with the end objective of sharing it with others; Second, is my being able to send my two younger siblings to school when our father died in 1997. They are now both productive individuals and I am happy that I was able to contribute to their well-being; Third is finishing my stint with Senator Ramon B. Magsaysay, Jr. where I have loyally worked for 12 years. Working with a highly-principled leader has taught me a lot of more important things in life other than legislation and politics. It pushed me to strive for excellence and professionalism. The Senator taught us how to value credit-worthiness and integrity. Working for "the guy" did not give me any chance to break my ideals. It us...